Saved files can be reopened and manipulated in the same way at any time. Then simply zoom in to see what happened! Turn signals on/off, and rearrange waveforms as you wish. ► No Time, Voltage, or Trigger Setup Needed: With the powerful Deep Record function, you can grab a large amount of data without any setup at all. ► Automatic Test Lead Connection Detection: This unique feature allows you to know the scope lead has a good connection. Turn on devices such as ignition coil drivers, test vehicle’s circuits, and test vehicle’s circuits for loading. ► TTL Output: Sends a 0-5v square wave signal out of scope. Control circuits like ignition coils, fuel injectors and solenoids. ► Pull Down Circuit: A Controlled pulse that sinks power from vehicle circuit to ground. This also allows separate triggers and/or trigger modes on each time base. ► Dual Time Base: This allows two different frequencies to be displayed on one screen with two different scope displays, simultaneously. ATS designs our scopes so the signal is accurate and clean. ► Ultra Sharp Wave-forms: No need for filters that can mask data.
No data gap will ever be present on our scopes this means you will never lose data that occurs between samples on an intermittent fault or fail to capture the vehicle’s faulty event.
► Capture All Data: ATS’ unique circular buffer system does not drop data.